January 1

Day 1 - You Are Called To Follow Jesus

Read: Mark 1:16-20

“Follow me,” Jesus told them, “And I will make you fish for people.”  
Mark 1:17

In Mark 1, Jesus calls Peter, Andrew, James and John to drop their nets and follow Him. Notice they didn’t say, “Hey, we will just catch you the next time you come through town,” or, “Hey, we will follow you and listen to what you have to say, but don’t ask us to do anything.” In fact, what the men did was drop what they were doing and follow Him. They were taught by Him and then put His teaching into practice by fishing for people.

Now, they didn’t always get it right, nor did they always fully understand what Jesus was asking them to do. In fact, early on, they got it wrong more than they got it right. However, they were on a journey of following Jesus, and once they received the Holy Spirit, they grew tremendously. They went “all in” with their faith, and God would turn the world upside down through these ordinary men who decided to follow an extraordinary Jesus!

Before being used to reach people with the message of Jesus, their first step was to “drop their nets.” They had to drop their past, drop their comforts, and drop anything that would distract them from the primary call on their lives— to know Jesus and to make Him known.

PRAY: Take time to pray and thank God for saving you. Ask Him, “Who should my one be?”

ACT: Place the name of your one on a paper in your bible and commit to praying for them every day.

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